Tried to do this tag thing yesterday and the computer went wiggy and wiped out everything I had typed, after that I just gave up. Here we go:
The fifth sentence in my third blog was:
Michelle says they have been running missions and have seen alot of activity, Rmamdan, is a very bad month for our troops.
Things haven't changed much still Rmamdan and still bad month for our troops.
On to better stuff, we took the granddaughter to get pumpkins yesterday, then after that pa and her caught ghosts in the afternoon. They were cracking us up! They got a box and propped it up with a stick attached to a string. Pa would put a penny in the trap, because you know ghosts go after pennies. Then they would stretch the string into another room. Pa would go back and check the box to make sure everything was ready, and then pull the string and if the penny was gone they had caught the ghost, of course you had to say the magic word abracadabra and the ghost would disappear never to return. Great entertainment for an hour or so, until pa got tired. I swear there has to be a male version of the menopause drug, because 45 year old men do not think like this everyday, do they? See what grandkids will do to you.
Have great day!!!!