Proud Mom

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Things have finally settled down here, Thank God. Michelle is back at work and now she works days, that is a good thing. She really isn't home much anymore which is kind of sad, but hey she is happy and that is what counts.
The hubby is gone this week, listen to this, out of the next 12days he will only be home for 2 of those. He doesn't travel and then he is gone all the time. I know he will be tired when he gets back so I hope things go smoothly.
April is doing good in her new apartment and is looking for a new job. Still haven't heard how the divorce proceedings are going and at this point all I can say is thank God it is not my problem to deal with.
Everything else is going pretty good. I have 10 pounds to go before the 22nd of March, have had to change a few things in the routine in order to speed this up, I had reached a plateau and that can be frustrating. Hopefully this will work. I know life here is pretty boring now and I kind of like it that way. After the past year I could use a little boredom. I hope everyone has a great day


  • At 12:32 PM , Blogger Call Me Grandma said...

    Hey Barb, I wish I lived closer to you we could go to lunch while your hubby was away, or something. I wish i was going on vacation with ya, too. I am going to plan something as soon as Dan gets home...that is if Dave and my mom stay well.


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