Proud Mom

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We did! We had the whole family over and ate until we just couldn't hold anymore, and yes me and Michelle made the whole dinner. We cooked for about 3 days. We had a great time cooking and talking. It was great to hear some of the stories from Iraq that she had not told me before and to maybe get the details she had missed in her phone calls. Most of the stories were good, there were a few that made us all just go silent for a little while. I am glad she is able to talk about those things and I am even more glad that she chose to tell them to me.
We have been having a good time now that she is more accustomed to being around family and finding a routine in the house. We still have some times when things don't go so smoothly but I have learned to just let her be and deal with things in her own way and in her own time.
We have also done some Christmas shopping and that was like old times. I hope we have more times like these.
I know there are some of us anxiously waiting for the return of loved ones from the war and I pray that at this time of year especially all our dreams will come true. That either they will come home safely or stay safe.

Have a good day


  • At 3:29 PM , Blogger sher said...

    I am so glad your daughter made it home safely. May you have a wonderful holiday! Those of us still waiting for loved ones to return are warmed by the stories of others already in the arms of family.

  • At 8:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Welcome home Michelle


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