Proud Mom

Friday, March 28, 2008

This has been an extremely busy week around here. The hubby and some of his friends poured the concrete for the hot tub on Wednesday, that started around 8 am. Then the plumber showed up around that time and put in the new water heater. The whole day took about 11 hours, so they were here until around 7pm. We then took his friend and his family out to dinner for helping. We got home around 9:30 and then they wanted play a little Rock Band on the ps2, so all in all we didn't go to bed until around 11:30 and that was after getting up at around 6 am. I was ready to collapse and told the Hubby so. I still don't think I have recovered. I hate getting older it takes longer to get over things when you do things you probably shouldn't be. Oh well only 2 more weeks until the hot tub gets delivered. I can't wait.
Have a great weekend.


  • At 3:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    A hot tube that sound nice and comfy.


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